Foi de facto um dia especial. E um discurso soberbo! Agora fazem-se as contas aos desafios "hercúleos" que a futura Administração Obama terá pela frente.
Deste lado do mundo, prestamos atenção à forma como a China encara a aleiçãode Obama e como o prediente eleito lidará com as relações sino-americanas.
Eis alguns sinais...
“Obama gives greater confidence to people of the Third World,” Yang said, after the photo. “We, the black, yellow, and other races, can be the same as the whites! We struggled for independence and, finally, won that. Now we have won in another field—political affairs—and in a superpower no less.”Evan Osnos no The New Yorker
"Given China's size, its muscular manufacturing capabilities, its military buildup, at this point--and also including its large trade deficit--at this point, who has more leverage, China or the U.S.?Obama: Number one is we've got to get our own fiscal house in order. Number two, when I was visiting Africa, I was told by a group of businessmen that the presence of China is only exceeded by the absence of America in the entire African continent. Number three, we have to be tougher negotiators with China. They are not enemies, but they are competitors of ours. Right now the United States is still the dominant superpower in the world. But the next president can't be thinking about today; he or she also has to be thinking about 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 50 years from now".
Excerto de um debate nas primárias do Partido Democrata.
"Asia's leaders, led by an ascendant China, say they hope Barack Obama didn't really mean those campaign promises to protect American trade. And if he did, they are in better shape to object than ever before". "China, Emerging Asia to Fight `Protectionist' Obama", Bloomberg