Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Quinta Geração II

Além do já referido Li Keqiang, Li Yuanchao é visto pelos "China watchers" como um dos mais fortes valores da "Quinta Geração". Actualmente é secretário do Partico Comunista na província de Jiangsu e membro do Comité Central. Se conseguir ascender ao Politburo do Comité Central no XVI Congresso, que terá lugar no último semestre deste ano, posicionar-se-á como um dos prováveis sucessores de Hu Jintao.
Willy Lam, no China Brief, escreve que

"Since coming back to serve in his rich native province in 2000, the Beida economics graduate has broken new ground in the sensitive area of administrative and political reform. For example, the party boss has encouraged open competition for candidates applying for posts up to the level of vice-directors of provincial departments. (...) Li has also earned plaudits for relatively enlightened policies on culture and the environment. For example, he raised eyebrows by saying that city planners should discourage the construction of glitzy skyscrapers, which spoil the landscape and lead to wastage of material and energy".

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