Friday, December 16, 2005

Leituras Natalícias I

1. Timothy Garton Ash é visto, justamente, como um dos britânicos que olham com maior lucidez para a União Europeia e a sua relação com os EUA e o resto do mundo. "Free World" é uma obra desempoeirada que lança um olhar muito inetressante sobre as relações transatlânticas.
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No final do livro Ash escreve:

"There are many divisive walls in today's world. There's the wall being built between Israelis and Palestinians, which in places looks uncannily like the Berlin Wall. Therre are the high walls of trade proteccionism around both Europe and the United States. Bur behind them are the biggest walls of all: the mind-walls. If we raise our voices, these walls will come down. We are many, and we have not spoken yet. It's up to us."

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